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Baranaja (twelve grains) Cropping System

Baranaja (actually meaning twelve grains) is a conventional blended cultivating framework widespread over the drylands of Garhwali rural locales in Uttarakhand. In the baranaja cropping pattern, there is intercropping of twelve or more crops. Grains, lentils, vegetables, creepers and root vegetables are developed in this ally cropping pattern. All the seeds are sowed together on the same fields in the monsoon season.

The Practice called baranaja includes sowing at least 12 or more crops on a similar plot, including different sorts of beans, grains, and millets, and harvesting them at various periods.It includes developing of 12 distinct seeds, which incorporate that of grains, dhal, fibre, millet, oil, amaranth, buckwheat and a traditional variety of soya called bhaat. Such wide bio-diversity implies, just a single or two will fall of a pest. If there is an occurrence of floods or dry season, the safe ones among these crops survive thus individuals won't go without a reap.

The twelve crops are chosen to such an extent that they can develop in agreement with each other(Companion plants). The creepers of vegetables utilize the stems of grains/plants as a support, while the grain roots hold the soil solidly, blocking soil erosion. Because of their nitrogen-fixing capacities, legumes return back nutrient supplements to the soil which are utilized by other plants. Also, plants develop at various levels(heights), consequently using different levels of space on a similar porch. No outside synthetic chemicals are utilized and insect control is accomplished using leaves of the medicinal plants such as neem, and the utilization of ash and cow's urine.

The idea of the twelve-grain cropping system is logical and feasible. This framework keeps up environmental equilibrium and empowers agriculturists to profit even a few crops are failed. Decent variety in crops additionally helps in keeping up soil ripeness and renewing nitrogen, other than giving dietary security. Millets are rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins, while pulses are a rich of proteins. For mammals as well, there are different sorts of grain and straw from the yields, accordingly giving them balanced nutrients.The land is covered all around the monsoon, there is a major leaf fall, and after the harvest, roots are left in the fields.

Demonstration of Baranaja (twelve grains) model


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