Flood water system is an age-old technique for irrigating crops. It was likely the main type of water system utilized by people as they started developing crops and yet a standout amongst the most regular techniques for water system utilized today.
Simply, water is delivered to the field by channels, pipe, or some different means and water just stream over the ground to the crop. Despite the fact that flood water system is a viable strategy for the water system, but it is positively not proficient compared to different alternatives. With flood water system it is generally expected that lone portion of the water connected really winds up flooding the crop. The other half is lost to vanishing, spillover, penetration of uncultivated zones, and transpiration through the leaves of weeds.
In spite of the fact that flood water system will never be as productive as different sorts of water system there are a few procedures that can be utilized to enhance its proficiency:
Leveling fields – on the grounds that water is transported utilizing gravity it won't achieve high spots in the field
Surge flooding – instead of discharging water at the same time it is discharged in interims enabling each discharge to invade the channels before discharging extra water.
Reusing overflow – water that keeps running off the end and sides of the inundated is caught in low-lying zones and pumped to the highest point of the field where it can be reused.
It is regular, for farmers to discharge water until the point when the whole field is filled. By flooding the whole field at the same time, farmers neglect to exploit the capillary movement of water through the dirt, especially in clay soils. These outcomes in overflow, anaerobic conditions in the dirt and around the root zone, and profound water system underneath the root zone that is inaccessible to the plants.
Typical model of flood irrigation
Field Preparation: Trench of 18 inches or 1.5 feet width and 6 inches deep should be dug along the limit(boundaries). Beds of 7 feet width must be made trailed by a trench of two feet width and 6 inches depth.The soil taken out from the trenches is to be spread equitably on the bed. The height of this 7 feet bed is somewhat raised. Keeping in mind the end goal to make it more fertile, some farmyard manure or pond sediment can be added to the bed. The plot is currently prepared with rich microbial colonies and nutrient supplements. Extra water flows into the channels from that point into the pond at last.
An innovative method of flood irrigation in corn crop:

An innovative method of flood irrigation in corn crop:

This is a good option for covering a larger area, but you will have to physically move the sprinkler head around to cover all areas and then shut the water supply off when finished. lawn sprinkler system parts