Climate: Garlic love mild climates(no extreme cool or sun) without rains after bulb formation. It will adapted to a wide range of temperatures(12C to 20C).
Soil: Garlic grow better in loose, loamy soil which are rich organic matter rather than heavy clay soils with pH range between 6.5 to 7.
Seed: 200-250 cloves per acre.
Duration: 120-130 days.
Spacing: Space the plants 6 to 8 inches separated in the line. Enable 12 to 18 inches between columns or space garlic cloves 6 to 8 inches separated every direction on beds.
Land Preparation: When your seeds are planted in your nursery, begin to set up your land. Plough your soil. Separate all pieces of soil because garlic prefer loose soils. Mix well decayed compost. Smooth the soil surface.
Sowing techniques: Garlic is raised by different strategies, depending upon the circumstances of the farmers. These strategies are (a) transplanting, (b) planting knobs in the field. In any case, the strategy for nursery raising and ensuing transplanting is the best for high quantity and better quality.
a. Transplanting: When the seedlings are 6-8 weeks old and 15 cm high, they are ready to transplant in primary field at a separation of 15-20 cm between rows and 7-10 cm between plants. Irrigate after transplanting. The transplanting ought to be done either in early hours or late at night to maintain wetness of seedlings. Treat the saplings to avoid infections.
b. Planting knobs in the field: Small and medium measured knobs around 10-12 Quinta are dibbled keeping 30 cm between lines and 15 cm between knobs. Irrigation need to give within one to two days after dibbling.
Inter-crops : Garlic helps Beetroot,tomatoes,cucumber, peas, potatoes,roses. Peas helps garlic.
Harvest: Normal yield of onion 3-4 tons per acre of land.
Inter-crops : Garlic helps Beetroot,tomatoes,cucumber, peas, potatoes,roses. Peas helps garlic.
Harvest: Normal yield of onion 3-4 tons per acre of land.
Pest control:
- Bacterial/viral infections occur due to water stagnation, over moist conditions and no proper circulation of air.
- Four kg of Neem seeds are powdered and dissolved in 100 litres of water and filtered. Add 10 litres of cow urine and mix it with 50 gm of soapnut powder. Spraying this extract every 15 days will control many pests and diseases.
- Install light traps one for every half acre from 6-10 pm to overcome moths laying eggs and remove traps before flowers start to appear. As a preventive measure one can install yellow sticky traps but if previous crop had severe infestation its better to invest in light traps
- Spray diluted Neem oil or Tobacco decoction.
1. Growing onion / garlic as intercrop in brinjal helps to control many pests including fruit borers.
2. Grow garlic as an intercrop in cabbage to control diamond back moth attack.
3. Planting of garlic, onion, mint, marigold and other aromatic plants in between the rows of vegetable gardens will act as a natural pest repellent.
4. Bunching garlic and hanging to the roof enhances shelf-life. Hanging allows the higher temperature and air circulation near the roof have a curing effect.

1. What amount of garlic would you be able to develop in one acre of land?
6.8 ton is record yield. 4.5 to 5.5 ton is normal yield.
2.To what extent does it take to grow a garlic?
120 to 130 days. Add up to Life cycle finishes in 9 months.
3.Is Growing garlic gainful?
Truly. Will get great returns.
4.At the point when would it be a good idea to harvest garlic?
Dig up a bulb before the tops are totally yellow. try not to pull the plant.
120 to 130 days. Add up to Life cycle finishes in 9 months.
3.Is Growing garlic gainful?
Truly. Will get great returns.
4.At the point when would it be a good idea to harvest garlic?
Dig up a bulb before the tops are totally yellow. try not to pull the plant.
5.Do you gather garlic before it blossoms?
On the off chance that you have planted garlic and forgot to remove the scapes, the plant is guiding its vitality to producing flowers rather than bigger bulbs. You can in any case harvest the bulbs but they will be small and low in flavor. In a few areas, garlic can stay in the ground and deliver a second year reap.
6.Which nation eats the most garlic?
On the off chance that you have planted garlic and forgot to remove the scapes, the plant is guiding its vitality to producing flowers rather than bigger bulbs. You can in any case harvest the bulbs but they will be small and low in flavor. In a few areas, garlic can stay in the ground and deliver a second year reap.
6.Which nation eats the most garlic?
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